Explain Dbms Architecture

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Database Users and User Interfaces
There are four different types of database-system users, differentiated by the way
they expect to interact with the system. Different types of user interfaces have been
designed for the different types of users.
Naive users are unsophisticated users who interact with the system by invoking
one of the application programs that have been written previously. For
example, a bank teller who needs to transfer $50 from account A to account B
invokes a program called transfer. This program asks the teller for the amount
of money to be transferred, the account from which the money is to be transferred,
and the account to which the money is to be transferred.
As another example, consider a user who wishes to find her account balance
over the World Wide Web. Such a user may access a form, where she
enters her account number. An application program at the Web server then
retrieves the account balance, using the given account number, and passes
this information back to the user.
The typical user interface for naive users is a forms interface, where the
user can fill in appropriate fields of the form. Naive users may also simply
read reports generated from the database.

Application programmers are computer professionals who write application
programs. Application programmers can choose from many tools to develop
user interfaces. Rapid application development (RAD) tools are tools that enable
an application programmer to construct forms and reports without writing
a program. There are also special types of programming languages that
combine imperative control structures (for example, for loops, while loops
and if-then-else statements) with statements of the data manipulation language.
These languages, sometimes called fourth-generation languages, often
include special features to facilitate the generation of forms and the display of
data on the screen. Most major commercial database systems include a fourthgeneration
Sophisticated users interact with the system without writing programs. Instead,
they form their requests in a database query language. They submit
each such query to a query processor, whose function is to break down DML
statements into instructions that the storage manager understands. Analysts
who submit queries to explore data in the database fall in this category.
Online analytical processing (OLAP) tools simplify analysts’ tasks by letting
them view summaries of data in different ways. For instance, an analyst
can see total sales by region (for example, North, South, East, andWest), or by
product, or by a combination of region and product (that is, total sales of each
product in each region). The tools also permit the analyst to select specific regions,
look at data in more detail (for example, sales by city within a region)
or look at the data in less detail (for example, aggregate products together by
Another class of tools for analysts is data mining tools, which help them
find certain kinds of patterns in data.
We study OLAP tools and data mining in Chapter 22.
Specialized users are sophisticated users who write specialized database
applications that do not fit into the traditional data-processing framework.
Among these applications are computer-aided design systems, knowledgbase and expert systems, systems that store data with complex data types (for
example, graphics data and audio data), and environment-modeling systems.
Chapters 8 and 9 cover several of these applications.
Database Administrator
One of the main reasons for using DBMSs is to have central control of both the data
and the programs that access those data. A person who has such central control over
the system is called a database administrator (DBA). The functions of a DBA include:
Schema definition. The DBA creates the original database schema by executing
a set of data definition statements in the DDL.
Storage structure and access-method definition.
Schema and physical-organization modification. The DBA carries out changes
to the schema and physical organization to reflect the changing needs of the
organization, or to alter the physical organization to improve performance.
Granting of authorization for data access. By granting different types of
authorization, the database administrator can regulate which parts of the database
various users can access. The authorization information is kept in a
special system structure that the database system consults whenever someone
attempts to access the data in the system.
Routine maintenance. Examples of the database administrator’s routine
maintenance activities are:
ô€€€ Periodically backing up the database, either onto tapes or onto remote
servers, to prevent loss of data in case of disasters such as flooding.
ô€€€ Ensuring that enough free disk space is available for normal operations,
and upgrading disk space as required.
ô€€€ Monitoring jobs running on the database and ensuring that performance
is not degraded by very expensive tasks submitted by some users.

The Query Processor
The query processor components include
DDL interpreter, which interprets DDL statements and records the definitions
in the data dictionary.
DML compiler, which translates DML statements in a query language into an
evaluation plan consisting of low-level instructions that the query evaluation
engine understands.
A query can usually be translated into any of a number of alternative evaluation
plans that all give the same result. The DML compiler also performs
query optimization, that is, it picks the lowest cost evaluation plan from among
the alternatives.
Query evaluation engine, which executes low-level instructions generated by
the DML compiler.

Storage Manager
A storage manager is a program module that provides the interface between the lowlevel
data stored in the database and the application programs and queries submitted
to the system. The storage manager is responsible for the interaction with the file
manager. The raw data are stored on the disk using the file system, which is usually
provided by a conventional operating system. The storage manager translates
the various DML statements into low-level file-system commands. Thus, the storage
manager is responsible for storing, retrieving, and updating data in the database.
The storage manager components include:
Authorization and integrity manager, which tests for the satisfaction of integrity
constraints and checks the authority of users to access data.
Transaction manager, which ensures that the database remains in a consistent
(correct) state despite system failures, and that concurrent transaction executions
proceed without conflicting.
File manager, which manages the allocation of space on disk storage and the
data structures used to represent information stored on disk.
Buffer manager, which is responsible for fetching data from disk storage into
main memory, and deciding what data to cache in main memory. The buffer
manager is a critical part of the database system, since it enables the database
to handle data sizes that are much larger than the size of main memory.
The storage manager implements several data structures as part of the physical
system implementation:
Data files, which store the database itself.
Data dictionary, which stores metadata about the structure of the database, in
particular the schema of the database.
Indices, which provide fast access to data items that hold particular values.

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